Aleksandr Khanzhonkov & Co Filmography Produktion

1919: [] Faust (Production), Directed by Olga Rakhmanova, with Zoja Barantsevich, , Olga Rakhmanova,
1919: [02.23] Otets i syn (Father and Son (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Ivan Perestiani, with Ivan Mosjoukin, Ivan Perestiani, ,
1918: [02.08] Mimo schastja (Past happiness (lit.)) (Production: (AKA акц. о-воО Ха), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij, with , , Wojciech Brydziński,
1918: [09.19] Kljatvoj spajannye (Production), Directed by Ivan Perestiani,
1918: [] Vdova (The Widow) (Production), Directed by Fjodor Komissarzhevskij, with Zoja Barantsevich, Vjacheslav Svoboda, ,
1918: [] Projekt inzhenera Praita (The Project of Engeneer Pright, Engineer Prite's Project) (Production), Directed by Lev Kuleshov, with Boris Kuleshov, Leonid Polevoij, N Gardi,
1918: [] Zaemnaja zhena (Production), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij, with Vera Karalli, Nikolaj Radin, Vladimir Kriger,
1918: [] Maljutka Elli (Little Ellie) (Production), Directed by Jakov Protazanov, with Ivan Mosjoukin, Nathalie Lissenko, ,
1918: [] Sljakot bulvarnaja (Boulevard Slush) (Production), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij, with , Anna Zemtsova, Vladimir Kriger,
1918: [] Velikij aspid (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Uralskij, Aleksandr Khanzhonkov,
1918: [] Tereza Raken (Production: (AJA Торговый До), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij, with Zoja Barantsevich, Nikolaj Radin, Fjodor Nikitin,
1918: [] Chestnoje slovo (The Word of Honor (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Ivan Perestiani, with Ivan Perestiani, , ,
1918: [] Djekoratsija schastja (Production), Directed by Fjodor Komissarzhevskij, Boris Chajkovskij, with Vjacheslav Svoboda, , Emma Bauer,
1918: [06.23] Poet i padshaja dusha (Production), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij,
1918: [03.02] Razbitaja skripka (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Uralskij, with Vladimir Strizhevskij, , Emma Bauer,
1917: [04.16] Mechta i zhizn (Fantasy and life) (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Uralskij, with Vera Karalli, Aleksandr Kheruvimov, Arsenij Bibikov,
1917: [12.39] Sumjerki (Production), Directed by Andrej Gromov, Lev Kuleshov, with Zoja Barantsevich, , ,
1917: [12.06] Korol' Parizha (The King of Paris) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, Olga Rakhmanova, with Vjacheslav Svoboda, Nikolaj Radin, Emma Bauer,
1917: [10.10] Teni ljubvi (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Gromov, with Nikolaj Radin, Marija Boldireva, Vjacheslav Svoboda,
1917: [] Arkasha zhenitsja (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Uralskij, with Arcady Boytler, Aleksandr Kheruvimov, ,
1917: [] Tajna ispovedi (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Uralskij, with Aleksej Popov, Olga Rakhmanova,
1917: [] Tovarishch Elena (Production), Directed by Boris Mikhin, with Vera Jurenjeva, Józef Chmielinski, Olga Kondorova,
1917: [] Iskushenije (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Uralskij, with , Emma Bauer, Wojciech Brydziński,
1917: [] Komnata № 13, ili Arkashke nje vjezet (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Uralskij, with Arcady Boytler, ,
1917: [05.23] Lozh (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vjacheslav Svoboda, Lidija Ryndina, Aleksandra Rebikova,
1917: [05.05] Nabat (The Alarm) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, Antonina Khanzhonkova, with Nikolaj Radin, Vera Karalli, Mikhail Narokov,
1917: [04.03] Revoljutsionjer (The Revolutionary) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Ivan Perestiani, Vladimir Strizhevskij, Zoja Barantsevich,
1917: [03.09] Za schastjem (Towards Happiness, For Luck) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Nikolaj Radin, Lidija Korenjeva, Taisija Borman,
1917: [02.10] Lina pod ekspertizoj, ili Bujnyj pokojnik (Lina under Examination, or the Turbulent Corpse) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, Arcady Boytler, Aleksandr Kheruvimov,
1917: [02.03] Pjervogo chuvstva raba (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Uralskij, with Andrej Gromov, Lidija Ryndina, Konstantin Khokhlov,
1917: [01.17] Umirajushchij lebed' (The Dying Swan) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Karalli, Andrej Gromov, Aleksandr Kheruvimov,
1916: [01.01] Marionjetki roka (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, Boris Chajkovskij, with Emma Bauer, Vladimir Strizhevskij, Zoja Barantsevich,
1916: [12.13] Nelli Raintseva (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Zoja Barantsevich, Olga Rakhmanova, Aleksandr Kheruvimov,
1916: [12.06] Koldunja (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, Ivan Perestiani, Vitold Polonskij,
1916: [11.29] Koroleva ekrana (Queen of the Screen) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vitold Polonskij, Vera Jurenjeva, Gregori Chmara,
1916: [11.15] Razorvannye tsepi (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vitold Polonskij, Lidija Ryndina, Emma Bauer,
1916: [10.25] Vozmjezdije (Retribution (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Karalli, Vitold Polonskij, ,
1916: [10.18] Chuzhaja dusha (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, Andrej Gromov, ,
1916: [09.28] Grif starovo bortsa (Griffon of an Old Warrior) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Karalli, Ivan Perestiani, Vladimir Strizhevskij,
1916: [09.27] Nina (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Zoja Barantsevich, , Andrej Gromov,
1916: [09.15] Vechno lish to, chto utracheno (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Ivan Perestiani, , Emma Bauer,
1916: [09.10] Prikljuchenije Liny v Sochi (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, Aleksandr Kheruvimov, Andrej Gromov,
1916: [09.01] Lunnaja krasavitsa (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Wojciech Brydziński, Vera Kholodnaja, ,
1916: [08.16] Sestry Bronskije (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, Vera Karalli, Vitold Polonskij,
1916: [08.09] Skazka sinjego morja (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vladimir Strizhevskij, Zoja Barantsevich, ,
1916: [08.02] Chertovo koleso (The Devil's Wheel (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij, with Ada Shelepina, , ,
1916: [08.02] O, zhenshchiny... (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, Ivan Perestiani, Vladimir Strizhevskij,
1916: [07.05] Zhizn, pobezhdjennaja smjertju (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, Vladimir Kazjanov, with Lidija Ryndina, Ivan Perestiani, ,
1916: [] Odna iz mnogikh (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Kholodnaja, , Nadezhda Nelskaja,
1916: [] Nishchaja (Give Her Something, For the Sake of Christ!) (Production), Directed by Jakov Protazanov, with Nathalie Lissenko, Ivan Mosjoukin,
1916: [] Teni ushedshego, listja opavshije... (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Raisa Rejzen, Andrej Gromov, ,
1916: [] Smjerch ljubovnyj (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Karalli, Vitold Polonskij, Ivan Perestiani,
1916: [] Zhiznju smjatye dushi (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Andrej Gromov, Marija Tokarskaja, Arsenij Bibikov,
1916: [] Metressa Jego Prevoskhoditelstva (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , Tamara Gedjevanova, ,
1916: [] Dikaja sila (Production), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij, with Aleksandra Rebikova, Aleksandr Gejrot, ,
1916: [00.00] Kto zagubil? (Production), Directed by Nikandr Turkin, with Pavel Knorr, Zoja Barantsevich, Janina Mirato,
1916: [] Krylja nochi (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Uralskij,
1916: [] Eto bylo vjesnoj (It was in the spring (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Nikandr Turkin, with Aleksandra Rebikova, Oleg Frelikh, ,
1916: [] U golubovo ozera (In the blue lake (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij, with Zoja Barantsevich, , ,
1916: [] Sudba gornichnoj (The Faite of a Maid (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij, with , Aleksandr Kheruvimov, Arcady Boytler,
1916: [] Spasenije blizhnjego (Salvation is near (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij, with ,
1916: [] Semjejnyj treugolnik (Family triangle (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij, with Arcady Boytler, , Marfa Kassatskaja,
1916: [05.31] Zagadochnyj mir (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Amo Bek-Nazarov, Zoja Barantsevich, Janina Mirato,
1916: [05.10] Zhizn za zhizn (The rival sisters, Her Sister's Rival, A tear for every drop of blood, A life for a life) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Kholodnaja, Lidija Korenjeva, Ivan Perestiani,
1916: [04.16] Chelovjecheskije bezdny (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, Ivan Lazarev, with Ivan Perestiani, Vitold Polonskij, Ada Shelepina,
1916: [02.21] Jamshchik, nje goni loshadjej (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Ivan Perestiani, , Aleksandra Rebikova,
1916: [01.26] Nevjesta studjenta Pevtsova (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Gregori Chmara, Aleksandr Kheruvimov, Vera Jurenjeva,
1916: [01.24] Roman baleriny (Production), Directed by Boris Chajkovskij, with , Tatjana Kraskovskaja, ,
1916: [01.22] O, esli b mog vyrazit v zvukakh... (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vjacheslav Svoboda, Nonna Leshchinskaja, Ivan Perestiani,
1916: [01.05] Shakhmaty zhizni (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Uralskij, with Vera Kholodnaja, Ivan Perestiani, ,
1915: [03.01] Pokhozhdjenija Shpejera i ego shajki Chervonykh valetov (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with , Nadjezhda Nelskaja, Georgij Azagarov,
1915: [02.02] V mire dolzhna tsarit krasota (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Andrej Gromov, Nadjezhda Nelskaja, Vera Kholodnaja,
1915: [01.16] Jurij Nagornyj (The Seducer) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, Amo Bek-Nazarov, Andrej Gromov,
1915: [01.03] Mirazhi (Mirages, The tragedy of a beautiful girl) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Vera Kholodnaja, Arsenij Bibikov, Vitold Polonskij,
1915: [12.29] Posle smjerti (After Death, Motifs from Turgenev) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vitold Polonskij, Olga Rakhmanova, Vera Karalli,
1915: [12.25] Akulkina karjera (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with ,
1915: [12.25] Iz mira tainstvjennovo (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Andrej Gromov, , ,
1915: [12.12] Ja - Tsar, ja - Rab, ja - Cherv, ja - Bog (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Olga Rakhmanova, Andrej Gromov, Nadjezhda Nelskaja,
1915: [12.05] Drakonovskij kontrakt (The draconian contract) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Aleksandr Kheruvimov, Vera Karalli, Antoni Fertner,
1915: [11.17] Schastje vjechnoj nochi (The Happiness of eternal night) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Karalli, Olga Rakhmanova, Vitold Polonskij,
1915: [11.11] Bratja Boris i Gleb (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with S. Rassatov, Olga Rakhmanova, Vitold Polonskij,
1915: [11.10] Ljubov statskovo sovjetnika (The love of a councillor of state) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , Vera Karalli, Marfa Kassatskaja,
1915: [10.27] Obozhzhennye krylja (Singed Wings) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with S. Rassatov, , Vera Karalli,
1915: [10.10] Gryozy (Daydreams) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with , , ,
1915: [10.06] Ot prestuplenija k prestupleniju (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Karalli, , ,
1915: [10.03] Djeti vjeka (Children of the Age) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Kholodnaja, Ivan Gorskij, Arsenij Bibikov,
1915: [09.16] Rodnye dushi (Kindred Souls) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Vera Karalli, Osip Runich,
1915: [09.09] Irina Kirsanova (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with , , Tamara Gedjevanova,
1915: [08.22] Pesn torzhestvujushchej ljubvi (Song of triumphant love) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Kholodnaja, Osip Runich, Vitold Polonskij,
1915: [08.11] Leon Drej (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Nikolaj Radin, Boris Borisov, Marija Khalatova,
1915: [08.04] Plamja njeba (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Kholodnaja, , Georgij Azagarov,
1915: [08.01] Pervaja ljubov (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, Vjacheslav Viskovskij, with V. Glinskaja, Emma Bauer, Tatjana Bakh,
1915: [] Nakazannyj Antosha (Production), Directed by Georgij Azagarov, with Vera Kholodnaja, Emma Bauer, Antoni Fertner,
1915: [] Katjusha Maslova (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Nathalie Lissenko, Nikolaj Radin, Aleksandr Kheruvimov,
1915: [] Zhenshchina zavtrashnjego dnja II (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Vera Jurenjeva, Vitold Polonskij,
1915: [] Podnyje Dushi (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Vera Karalli, Osip Runich,
1915: [] Studjent i njeznakomka (Production), Directed by N. N., with Vera Karalli, Antoni Fertner,
1915: [] Baryshnja v belenkoj shapochke (The young lady in the little white cap (lit)) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with ,
1915: [] Venjetsianskij chulok (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with V. Glinskaja, ,
1915: [] Vozrozhdjenije (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with ,
1915: [] Damochki podshutili (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , , ,
1915: [] Djen trekh korolej (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Oleg Frelikh, Nonna Leshchinskaja, Andrej Gromov,
1915: [] Durman (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Nadjezhda Nelskaja, , Vitold Polonskij,
1915: [] Zatravlennaja (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , , S. Rassatov,
1915: [] Zloj malchik (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , , Pavel Knorr,
1915: [] Invalidy dukha (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Arsenij Bibikov, Lidija Korenjeva, ,
1915: [] Ispanskoje njedorazumjenije (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Aleksandr Kheruvimov, , Dora Chitorina,
1915: [] Istorija odnogo leta (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with ,
1915: [] Kak ja osazhdal krepost (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Sofja Goslavskaja, ,
1915: [] Klub nravstvjennosti (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Emma Bauer, Nikolaj Margaritov, ,
1915: [] Komjedija o bojarynje Sapun-Tjurjakinoj (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with S. Rassatov, , Nonna Leshchinskaja,
1915: [] Kradjenoje schastje (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Nikolaj Margaritov, Marija Kulikova,
1915: [] Probuzhdjenije (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Vera Kholodnaja, Arsenij Bibikov, Vitold Polonskij,
1915: [] Sila vnutri nas (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , , Tamara Gedjevanova,
1915: [] Sudba nje proshchaet udachi (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Aleksandr Kheruvimov, Arsenij Bibikov, ,
1915: [] Tatjana Repina (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with ,
1915: [] Khromonozhka (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , Olga Rakhmanova, ,
1915: [] Junost prekrasnaja, svjetlaja, chistaja (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Aleksandr Kheruvimov, , Vitold Polonskij,
1915: [] Doktor s sobachjej ploshchadki (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, , ,
1915: [] Tajna lozhi liter 'A' (Production: (AKA Vera Popova-Khanzhonkova) (AKA t/d_«Khanzhonkova»)), Directed by Jevgenij Petrov-Krajevskij, with , , Ida Orlov,
1915: [06.27] Sto tysjach (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Georgij Azagarov, , Aleksandr Kheruvimov,
1915: [05.29] Tysjacha vtoraja khitrost (The 1002nd Ruse) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, , S. Rassatov,
1915: [05.23] Dostojnyj natsii (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Arsenij Bibikov, Nikolaj Margaritov, Emma Bauer,
1915: [05.16] Teni Grekha (The Shadows of Sin) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Vera Karalli, Vitold Polonskij, V. Glinskaja,
1915: [05.05] Beshenaja sobaka (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin,
1915: [05.03] Pojedinok rokovoj (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with , , ,
1915: [04.25] Ubijstvo baleriny Plamjenjevoj (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, , ,
1915: [04.14] Potop (Flood) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Aleksandr Kheruvimov, Pjotr Starkovskij, ,
1915: [04.04] Zhemchuzhnoje ozherelje (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, , Arsenij Bibikov,
1915: [03.21] Kumiry (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Ivan Mosjoukin, Lidija Korenjeva, Arsenij Bibikov,
1915: [03.01] Pokhozdenija Spejera e jego sajki Cervonykh Valetov (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with , Nadjezhda Nelskaja, Georgij Azagarov,
1915: [02.13] Natasha Rostova (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Vera Karalli, Vitold Polonskij, Pjotr Lopukhin,
1915: [02.12] Peterburgskije trushchoby (Peterburg Slums) (Production), Directed by Vladimir Gardin, Pjotr Chardynin, with Olga Preobrazhenskaja, Lidija Ryndina, Lidija Sycheva,
1915: [01.19] Ruslan i Ljudmila (Ruslan and Ludmilla) (Production), Directed by Vladislav Starevich, with Arsenij Bibikov, Sofja Goslavskaja, Ivan Mosjoukin,
1914: [12.29] Skazka o spjashchej tsarevnje i semi bogatyrjakh (The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and Seven Knights (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Sofja Goslavskaja, Aleksandr Kheruvimov, Olga Obolenskaja,
1914: [12.25] Ti pomnish li? (Do you remember?, Moskovskaha byl') (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Pjotr Chardynin, Vera Karalli, Nina Khanzhonkova,
1914: [11.11] Kholodnye dushi (Production: (AKA Торговый До), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Emma Bauer, Andrej Gromov, ,
1914: [11.04] Khrizantemy (Chrysanthemus, A Ballerina' Romance, The Tragedy of a Ballerina) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Vera Karalli, Ivan Mosjoukin, Raisa Rejzen,
1914: [11.01] Slava – nam, smjert – vragam (Glory to Us, Death to the Enemy) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Dora Chitorina, Ivan Mosjoukin,
1914: [10.18] Sorvanjets (The Tearaway) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Pjotr Birjukov, Dora Chitorina, Vera Karalli,
1914: [09.29] Jee gerojskij podvig (Worthy of the Fatherland) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with , , Dora Chitorina,
1914: [08.06] Zhizn v smjerti (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Ivan Mosjoukin,
1914: [07.14] Kormilitsa (The Nurse (lit)) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , , ,
1914: [] V rukakh besposhchadnogo roka (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Ivan Mosjoukin, Sofja Goslavskaja, ,
1914: [] Gospodin Direktor flirtujet (Production), Directed by N. N., with Marija Khalatova, Aleksandr Kheruvimov, Tamara Gedjevanova,
1914: [] Tainstvennij nekto (Production), Directed by N. N., with Ivan Mosjoukin, Nina Chernova, ,
1914: [] Bambukovoje polozhenije (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Dora Chitorina, Praskovja Maksimova, Nikolaj Semjonov,
1914: [] Korol, zakon i svoboda (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , , Jelizavjeta Zhikhareva,
1914: [] Mazepa (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, Edward Puchalski, with Ivan Mosjoukin, Edward Puchalski, Arsenij Bibikov,
1914: [] Nemjetskoje zasile (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Arsenij Bibikov, Nikolaj Semjonov,
1914: [00.00] Revnost (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Sofja Goslavskaja, , Asho Shakhatuni,
1914: [] Tetushka ogermanilas (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with ,
1914: [] Tsyganskije romansy (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Aleksandr Kheruvimov, , Marija Kulikova,
1914: [] Ljulja Bek (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Lidija Ryndina, ,
1914: [] Zlaja noch (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Andrej Gromov, Marija Kulikova, Ivan Mosjoukin,
1914: [] Tajna germanskovo posolstva (The Mystery of the German Embassy (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Ivan Mosjoukin, ,
1914: [] Transformator (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with , , Praskovja Maksimova,
1914: [] Tolko raz v godu (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Sofja Goslavskaja, , Praskovja Maksimova,
1914: [] Syn svojego naroda (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer,
1914: [] Stranichka zhizni (Production), Directed by Vladislav Starevich, Jevgenij Bauer, with , Sofja Goslavskaja, Vladislav Starevich,
1914: [] Brak po publikatsii (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with , Dora Chitorina, Aleksandr Kheruvimov,
1914: [05.16] Sljozy (Tears) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Jurenjeva, Ivan Bersenjov, ,
1914: [04.29] Nemje svideteli (Silent witnesses, Mute Witnesses) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Aleksandr Chargonin, Aleksandr Kheruvimov, Dora Chitorina,
1914: [04.28] Zhenshchina zavtrashnjego dnja (The Woman of Tomorrow) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Vera Jurenjeva, Ivan Mosjoukin, ,
1914: [03.05] Ditja bolshovo goroda (Child of the Big City, The Girl from the Street) (Production), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Jelena Smirnova, , ,
1914: [03.01] Volga i Sibir (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, with Pjotr Lopukhin, Aleksandra Goncharova, Sofja Goslavskaja,
1913: [12.26] Noch pered Rozhdjestvom (Christmas Eve, The Night Before Christmas) (Production), Directed by Vladislav Starevich, with , Olga Obolenskaja, Ivan Mosjoukin,
1913: [12.21] Na Kavkazskom kurorte (Production: (AKA АО А. Ханжон ), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , , Tatjana Shornikova,
1913: [11.26] Sumjerki zhenskoj dushi (Twilight of a Woman's Soul) (Production: (AKA Кинофабрик), Directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Nina Chernova, , V Demert,
1913: [11.19] Bratja (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , , Victor Tourjansky,
1913: [11.05] Bela (Production), Directed by Andrej Gromov, with , Asho Shakhatuni, Andrej Gromov,
1913: [10.19] Domik v Kolomne (The Little House at Kolomna) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Praskovja Maksimova, Sofja Goslavskaja, Ivan Mosjoukin,
1913: [09.17] Obryv (The Precipice) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , Ivan Mosjoukin, Vera Jurenjeva,
1913: [] Votsarenije doma Romanovykh (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, Pjotr Chardynin, with Sofja Goslavskaja, Pavel Knorr, ,
1913: [] Strashnaja Mest' (Production), Directed by Vladislav Starevich, with Ivan Mosjoukin, Pavel Knorr, Olga Obolenskaja,
1913: [] Gorje Sarry (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Arkatov, with , Praskovja Maksimova, Aleksandr Kheruvimov,
1913: [] Djadjushkina kvartira (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, Jevgenij Bauer, with Ivan Mosjoukin, , Andrej Gromov,
1913: [] Khaz-Bulat (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, with Ivan Mosjoukin,
1913: [] Zhizn, kak ona est (Life as it is (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Ivan Lazarev,
1913: [] Za dvjerjami gostinoj (Behind the doors of the living room (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Ivan Lazarev, Pjotr Chardynin, with Ivan Lazarev, Aleksandr Kheruvimov, Sofja Goslavskaja,
1913: [] Knjaginja Butyrskaja (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Tatjana Shornikova, Ivan Lazarev,
1913: [] Falshivyj kupon (Production: (AKA АО А. Ханжон ), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with , Nikolaj Semjonov,
1913: [] Kak Ajdarov speshil na benjefis (Production), Directed by N. N., with Pavel Ajdarov,
1913: [04.05] Vam takije stseny nje znakomy (Production: (AKA Ателье А. Ха ), Directed by Klavdija Novitskaja, Pjotr Chardynin, with , Pjotr Chardynin,
1912: [11.13] Krestjanskaja dolia (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, with Aleksandra Goncharova, Ivan Mosjoukin, Pjotr Chardynin,
1912: [09.04] Vesennij potok (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Tatjana Shornikova, Ivan Mosjoukin,
1912: [] 1812 God (The Year 1812) (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, Kai Hansen, with Pavel Knorr, Vasilij Serjozhnikov, Vladimir Gardin,
1912: [] Rabochaja slobodka (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Aleksandra Goncharova, , Ivan Mosjoukin,
1912: [] Snokhach (Production), Directed by Aleksandr Ivanov-Gaj, Pjotr Chardynin, with Tatjana Shornikova, Ivan Mosjoukin, Arsenij Bibikov,
1912: [] Tragedija pereproizvodstva (The tragedy of overproduction (lit.)) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Victor Tourjansky, Tatjana Shornikova,
1911: [] Oborona Sevastopolja (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, Aleksandr Khanzhonkov, with Andrej Gromov, Nikolaj Semjonov, ,
1911: [] Bratja-razbojniki (The Robber Brothers, The Brigand Brothers) (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, with Arsenij Bibikov, Ivan Mosjoukin, ,
1911: [] Krejtserova Sonata (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Ivan Mosjoukin,
1911: [] Na bojkom mjeste (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Arsenij Bibikov, , Vera Orlova,
1911: [] Knjaz Serebrjanyj (Production), Directed by N. N., with Andrej Gromov, , ,
1911: [03.01] Jevgenij Onjegin (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, with Pjotr Chardynin, , Aleksandra Goncharova,
1910: [11.30] Pikovaja Dama (Queen of Spades) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Pjotr Birjukov, Aleksandra Goncharova, Antonia Pozharskaja,
1910: [08/31] Korobejniki (The Pedlars) (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, with , Andrej Gromov, Aleksandra Goncharova,
1910: [01/30] V polnoch na kladbizhe (At Midnight in the Graveyard) (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, with Aleksandra Goncharova, Vladimir Maksimov, Ivan Mosjoukin,
1909: [10/28] Charodejka (The Enchantress, A Nizhnij Novgorod legend, Nizhnegorodskoje predanje) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, Vasilij Goncharov, with , Aleksandra Goncharova, Pjotr Chardynin,
1909: [03.30] Rusalka (The Water Nymph) (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, with , Aleksandra Goncharova, Andrej Gromov,
1909: [01.02] Bojarin Orsha (The Boyar Orsha) (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Pjotr Chardynin, Aleksandra Goncharova, Andrej Gromov,
1909: [09/01] Vanka - Kljuchnik (Vanka the Steward) (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, with , , Andrej Gromov,
1909: [04.25] Russkaja svadba XVI stoletija (A sixteenth-century russian wedding) (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, with Aleksandra Goncharova, Andrej Gromov, F Fadejeva,
1909: [01.14] Vlast tmy (Production), Directed by Pjotr Chardynin, with Pjotr Chardynin,
1908: [] Pesn pro kuptsa Kalashnikova (Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov) (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, Pavlovskij, with Pjotr Chardynin, Aleksandra Goncharova, Andrej Gromov,
1908: [] Vibor tsarskoj nevesti (Production), Directed by Vasilij Goncharov, with Andrej Gromov, Aleksandra Goncharova, Pjotr Chardynin,

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