Léon Gaumont Filmography Produzent

1919: [12.02] La faute d'orthographe (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with Charles Dechamps, Marcel Vallée, Georges Mauloy,
1917: [11.09] Le Ravin sans fond (Producer), Directed by Raymond Bernard, Jacques Feyder, with Georges Tréville, Yvonne Garat, Jeanne Dyris,
1917: [03.02] Les vielles femmes de l'hospice (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with Jeanne Dyris, Armand Tallier, André Luguet,
1917: [02.23] La trouvaille de Buchu (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with Françoise Rosay, Marie Louise Iribe, Decaye,
1917: [01.12] Le billard cassé (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with Decaye, Georges Biscot, ,
1917: [01.00] Le pardessus de demi-saison (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder,
1916: [01.19] Judex (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , Yvette Andréyor, Musidora,
1916: [01.05] L' instinct est maître (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with Jeanne Dyris, Kitty Hott, Armand Tallier,
1916: [12.26] Le frère de lait (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with Gaston Michel, Decaye, Françoise Rosay,
1916: [12.00] Abrégeons les formalités (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with Françoise Rosay, Georges Biscot, ,
1916: [] Tiens, vous êtes à Poitiers? (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder,
1916: [10.06] Un conseil d'ami (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with , Gaston Michel, Kitty Hott,
1916: [10.00] L' homme de compagnie (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with Jeanne Dyris, Decaye, Anthony Gildès,
1916: [] Biscot se trompe d'étage (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with Georges Biscot, Kitty Hott,
1916: [] Le retour du passé (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Fabienne Fabrèges, , Marcelle Géniat,
1916: [] Le pont des enfers (Producer), Directed by René Le Somptier, with Marie Louise Iribe, Georges Melchior, Juliette Malherbe,
1916: [06.16] Têtes de femmes, femmes de tête (Heads... and Women Who Use Them) (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, Gaston Ravel, with Suzanne Delvé, Kitty Hott, André Roanne,
1916: [05.18] Le Pied qui etreint (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with Kitty Hott, André Roanne, Musidora,
1916: [05.15] Le bluff (The Bluff) (Producer), Directed by Jacques Feyder, with Georges Flateau, Reine Derns,
1916: [03.13] Monsieur Pinson, policier (Producer), Directed by Gaston Ravel, Jacques Feyder, with Gaston Michel, Jacques Feyder, Andrée Lionel,
1916: [12.22] Le Noël du poilu (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Gaston Michel, Louise Lagrange, Gabriel Signoret,
1916: [07.00] Bout de Zan et la Gamine (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen,
1915: [03.00] Bout de Zan est patriote (Bout-de-Zan the Patriot) (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen,
1915: [03.00] Le colonel Bontemps (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Jean Jacquinet, Musidora, Édouard Mathé,
1915: [12.31] L' heure du rêve (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Armand Tallier, Suzanne Delvé, Paul Manson,
1915: [12.00] L' autre devoir (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Léonce Perret, Claude Mérelle, ,
1915: [11.13] Les Vampires (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Musidora, Édouard Mathé, Marcel Lévesque,
1915: [09.00] France et Angleterre, for ever (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Fabienne Fabrèges, René Montis,
1915: [09.00] Bout de Zan et l'Embusqué (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen,
1915: [00.00] Une Page de gloire (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with René Montis, , ,
1915: [] Tante Lolotte (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret,
1915: [] Son or (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Yvette Andréyor, , Louis Leubas,
1915: [] Madame Fleur-de-Neige (Producer), Directed by Gaston Ravel, with Louise Lagrange, Jeanne Marie-Laurent, Gaston Michel,
1915: [] L' ombre de la mort (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade,
1915: [] Leur Kultur (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret,
1915: [] Le trophée du zouave (Producer), Directed by Gaston Ravel, with Édouard Mathé, Maurice Poitel, Musidora,
1915: [] Les trois rois (Producer), Directed by Gaston Ravel,
1915: [] Léonce et le bain du préfet (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Léonce Perret,
1915: [] Aimer, pleurer, mourir (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Léonce Perret, Fabienne Fabrèges, ,
1915: [] Le blason (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Édouard Mathé, Gaston Michel, Berthe Jalabert,
1915: [] L' Angoisse au foyer (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Marcel Lévesque, Claude Mérelle, Yvette Andréyor,
1915: [] Le collier de perles (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Édouard Mathé, Marcel Lévesque, Musidora,
1915: [] Jeunes filles d'hier et d'aujourd'hui (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Musidora, ,
1915: [] Bout de Zan et le Poilu (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen, Musidora,
1915: [] Bout de Zan et les Contrebandiers de la Riviera (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen,
1915: [] Bout de Zan sorcier (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen,
1915: [] Bout de Zan va t'en guerre (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen,
1915: [] La nouvelle Ninon (Producer), Directed by Gaston Ravel, with Suzanne Delvé,
1915: [] En musique (Producer), Directed by Gaston Ravel, with Jeanne Marie-Laurent, , André Roanne,
1915: [] Dette de haine (Producer), Directed by Henri Pouctal, with Jean-Marie de l'Isle, Jeanne Brindeau, Juliette Clarens,
1915: [] Bout de Zan et l'Espion (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen, Musidora, ,
1915: [] La course à l'abîme (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Yvette Andréyor, Louis Leubas, Eugène Bréon,
1915: [] Bout de Zan et le Père Ledru (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen,
1915: [] Bout de Zan infirmier (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen,
1915: [] Bout de Zan et le fantôme (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen,
1915: [] Bout de Zan aime l'Italie (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen,
1915: [] Bout de Zan a le cafard (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen,
1915: [] Bout de Zan a la jaunisse (Producer), with Louis Feuillade, René Poyen,
1915: [06.00] Léonce flûtiste (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Léonce Perret, Fabienne Fabrèges,
1915: [06.00] Le fer à cheval (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Marcel Lévesque, Musidora, Édouard Mathé,
1915: [05.28] Le roman de la midinette (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Musidora, Géo Flandre, Gabriel Signoret,
1915: [05.17] Léonce papa (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Léonce Perret,
1915: [05.00] Le sosie (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Marcel Lévesque, , Musidora,
1915: [05.00] Les noces d'argent (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Édouard Mathé, Maurice Poitel, Musidora,
1915: [04.01] Léonce aime les Belges (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Léonce Perret,
1915: [04.00] Union sacrée (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Édouard Mathé, Claude Mérelle, Musidora,
1915: [04.00] L' escapade de Filoche (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Marcel Lévesque, Édouard Mathé, Musidora,
1915: [04.00] Fifi tambour (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Édouard Mathé, Musidora, Claude Mérelle,
1915: [04.00] Deux Françaises (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Musidora, Édouard Mathé, Maurice Poitel,
1915: [04.00] Celui qui reste (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Musidora, Édouard Mathé, Claude Mérelle,
1915: [04.00] Le coup du Fakir (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Marcel Lévesque, Musidora, Édouard Mathé,
1915: [02.18] Le héros de l'Yser (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Paul Manson, , René Montis,
1915: [02.12] L' Énigme de la Riviera (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Paul Manson, Valentine Petit, Suzanne Grandais,
1915: [02.00] L' expiation (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Yvette Andréyor, ,
1915: [01.17] Léonce Jardinier (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Léonce Perret,
1915: [01.00] Françaises, veillez! (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Fabienne Fabrèges,
1915: [01.00] Le furoncle (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Marcel Lévesque, Musidora, Charles Lamy,
1914: [] Fauves et bandits (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, Jean Durand, with Ernest Bourbon, Berthe Dagmar, Bernard Derigal,
1914: [01.15] Oscar et Kiki la midinette (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Léon Lorin, Mademoiselle Davrières, Marie Dorly,
1913: [] Fleur fanee... coeur aime... (Producer), Directed by René Le Somptier, with Maurice Vinot, Georges Melchior, Marie Louise Iribe,
1913: [07.00] L' agonie de Byzance (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Luitz-Morat, Eugène Bréon, Renée Carl,
1913: [] Weine nicht, Mutter (?) (Producer), Directed by N. N., with Suzanne Grandais,
1913: [] Oscar au bain (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, Louis Feuillade, with Léon Lorin, Angèle Lérida,
1913: [05.02] Bout de Zan vole un éléphant (Bout de Zan steaks an Elephant, Tiny Tim and the Adventures of His Elephant) (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Poyen, Louis Feuillade, Jeanne Saint-Bonnet,
1912: [12.27] La rançon du bonheur (The Ransom of Happiness) (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Suzanne Grandais, Léonce Perret, ,
1912: [11.22] Le mystère des Roches de Kador (The Mystery of the Kador Cliffs) (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Léonce Perret, Suzanne Grandais, Jean Perrier,
1912: [] Le troisième larron (Producer), Directed by Charles Burguet, with Jacques Feyder,
1912: [] La fin de la révolution américaine (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Suzanne Grandais, Joe Hamman,
1912: [02.16] Le Chrysanthème rouge (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Suzanne Grandais, Léonce Perret, ,
1911: [] La Tare (The Defect) (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade,
1911: [] L' Orgie romaine (The Roman Orgy) (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade,
1911: [] Bébé marchand des quatre saisons (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Dary,
1911: [] Bébé roi (Jimmie Wears a Crown) (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Dary, Renée Carl, Paul Manson,
1911: [] Bébé joue au cinéma (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Jeanne Saint-Bonnet, René Dary,
1911: [06.09] Le Mariage de l'aînée (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Navarre, Paul Manson, Suzanne Grandais,
1910: [12.00] Bébé fume (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Dary, Paul Manson, Renée Carl,
1910: [12.24] Bébé apache (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Dary, Paul Manson, Renée Carl,
1910: [12.16] Bébé pêcheur (Jimmie the Sportsman) (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Dary, Paul Manson, Renée Carl,
1910: [12.09] La trouvaille de Bébé (Jimmie's Luck) (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Dary, Paul Manson, Renée Carl,
1910: [10.22] Le cœur n'a pas d'âge (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Paul Manson, Léonce Perret,
1910: [08.27] La fille de Jephté (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, Léonce Perret, with Renée Carl, Léonce Perret, Fabienne Fabrèges,
1910: [08.00] Benvenuto Cellini (Producer), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, Louis Feuillade, with ,
1910: [/ /1] Le Champion du jeu à la mode (Producer), Directed by Emile Cohl,
1910: [] Le Christ en croix (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , Gérard Bourgeois,
1910: [] Le crime du grand-père (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, Jacques Roullet, with Suzy Prim, Suzanne Privat, Séverin-Mars,
1910: [] La fin de Paganini (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, Etienne Arnaud, with Renée Carl, Gaston Séverin, Georges Wague,
1910: [] Le Lieu du crime (Producer), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with Paul Manson, René Navarre,
1910: [06.21] Les douze travaux d'Hercule (Hercules and the Big Stick) (Producer), Directed by Emile Cohl, with Maurice Vinot, ,
1910: [06.18] Le tout petit Faust (Producer), Directed by Emile Cohl,
1909: [07.26] La Possession de l'enfant (The Custody of the Child) (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Christiane Mandelys, Maurice Vinot,
1909: [/ /1] Les beaux arts mystérieux (Producer), Directed by Emile Cohl,
1909: [00.00] Le portrait de Mireille (Portrait of Mireille) (Producer), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Fabienne Fabrèges, Jeanne Marie-Laurent, ,
1909: [] La Fée des grèves (The Fairy of the Surf) (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade,
1909: [06.00] Le Printemps (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Henrie Duval, Christiane Mandelys, Maurice Vinot,
1908: [12.00] Le Récit du Colonel (The Colonel's Account) (Producer), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , Maurice Vinot, Renée Carl,
1908: [09/00] Une Dame vraiement bien (A very fine lady) (Producer), Directed by Roméo Bosetti, Louis Feuillade,
1908: [] Calino se bat en duel (Producer), Directed by Jean Durand,
1900: [] Paris: exposition universelle (Producer), Directed by Alice Guy,

118 Filme in dieser Kategorie

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