Maurice Vinot Filmography Darsteller

1917: [09.21] Protéa IV ou Les mystères du château de Malmort (Cast), Directed by Gérard Bourgeois, with Josette Andriot, Camille Bardou,
1915: [00.00] Chacun sa destinée (Cast: Hubert de Sergis-Thémides), Directed by Raoul d'Auchy, with , ,
1914: [07.00] Les fiancés de Séville (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Eugène Bréon, Renée Carl, ,
1914: [] Le prix de Rome (Cast), Directed by René Le Somptier, with Marie Louise Iribe, Henrie Duval,
1914: [] La main de l'autre (Cast), Directed by Maurice Mariaud, with , Louis Leubas, Jeanne Marie-Laurent,
1914: [] Célibataire (Cast), Directed by René Le Somptier, with Yvonne Dario,
1914: [] Au temps des cerises (Cast), Directed by René Le Somptier, with Irene Kessler, Marie Louise Iribe,
1914: [06.12] Protéa et l'Auto infernale (Cast), Directed by Joseph Faivre, with Josette Andriot, Édouard Pinto, Henri Gouget,
1913: [] Fleur fanee... coeur aime... (Cast), Directed by René Le Somptier, with Georges Melchior, Marie Louise Iribe,
1913: [07.26] Léonce cinematographiste (Cast: Le spectateur ), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Léonce Perret, ,
1913: [] Un drame de l'air (Cast), Directed by René Le Somptier, with , Georges Melchior, Jeanne Marie-Laurent,
1913: [] Fascination (Cast), Directed by Gérard Bourgeois, with Jean Toulout, Yvette Andréyor,
1913: [00.00] L' Obsession du souvenir (Cast), Directed by N. N., with Suzanne Grandais,
1913: [04.18] La Force de l'argent (Cast: Serge Renot / AKA Vinot, Sergius Renot), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Suzanne Grandais, ,
1913: [02.21] Le revenant (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Paul Manson, René Navarre, Renée Carl,
1913: [02.00] Le guet-apens (Cast: Lieutenant d'Arcize), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Navarre, Renée Carl, Yvette Andréyor,
1913: [01.10] La Dentellière (Cast: Peter Claes, l'amoureux / Peter Klaus), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Suzanne Grandais, ,
1912: [12.00] Le maléfice (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Louise Lagrange, Luitz-Morat,
1912: [11.28] La mensonge (Cast), Directed by Henri Fescourt, with , ,
1912: [10.00] L' oubliette (Cast: Jacques de Montalban), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , René Navarre,
1912: [09.16] L' anneau fatal - II - 1830 (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1912: [09.15] L' anneau fatal - I - 1798 (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Jean Ayme, Renée Carl, ,
1912: [00.00] Petite Rosse (Cast), Directed by Léonce Perret, with Suzanne Grandais,
1912: [] Les braves gens (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade,
1912: [] L amazone masquée (Cast), Directed by Henri Fescourt, with , Georges Melchior,
1912: [05.00] Le proscrit (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Yvonne Dario, Paul Manson,
1912: [04.19] La Bonne hôtesse (Cast: le jeune peintre), Directed by Léonce Perret, with , Suzanne Grandais, Renée Carl,
1912: [01.12] Quand les feuilles tombent (When the Leaves Fall) (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Yvette Andréyor, Louise Lagrange,
1911: [12.01] Le Destin des mères (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Navarre, Suzanne Grandais, Renée Carl,
1911: [] Les capuchons noirs (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade,
1911: [] André Chénier (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, Louis Feuillade, with , René Alexandre, Eugène Bréon,
1911: [04.04] La lettre aux cachets rouges (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with René Navarre, Yvette Andréyor, Renée Carl,
1910: [12.00] Esther (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Léonce Perret,
1910: [11.11] La Nativité (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Nadette Darson, ,
1910: [09.10] Robert le diable (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with Léonce Perret,
1910: [] Pauvre petit (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1910: [] Le lys d'or (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, Léonce Perret, with ,
1910: [] Le bon Samaritain (Cast), Directed by Léonce Perret, with ,
1910: [] Au temps de la chouannerie (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Eugène Bréon, Renée Carl, Luitz-Morat,
1910: [] L' Oeuvre accomplie (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Georgette Faraboni, Renée Carl,
1910: [] Pâques florentines (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , Léonce Perret,
1910: [] Amphytrion (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud,
1910: [] L' Autre (Cast), Directed by Georges-André Lacroix,
1910: [] Les Brouille (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1910: [] Les Chaînes (Cast), Directed by Emile Cohl,
1910: [] Christophe Colomb (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud,
1910: [06.21] Les douze travaux d'Hercule (Hercules and the Big Stick) (Cast), Directed by Emile Cohl, with ,
1910: [05.16] L' An Mil (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1910: [02.15] Les spectre (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1910: [01.31] Le mauvais hôte (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Georgette Faraboni, René Alexandre, Georges Wague,
1910: [01.06] Les sept péchés capitaux - VI - La colère (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade,
1910: [01.00] Festin de Balthazar (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, Léonce Perret, with Stacia Napierkowska, Renée Carl,
1909: [01.11] La chasse au bois hanté (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [12.18] La mort de Cambyse (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , Christiane Mandelys,
1909: [12.00] La Cigale et la Fourmi (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Christiane Mandelys, ,
1909: [11.02] Don Quichotte (Cast), Directed by Emile Cohl, with Christiane Mandelys,
1909: [10.00] Les Filles du Cantonnier (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Christiane Mandelys,
1909: [09.99] Le Huguenot (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Christiane Mandelys,
1909: [09.00] La Chatte métamorphosée en Femme (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Christiane Mandelys, ,
1909: [09.00] Fra Vincenti (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , Christiane Mandelys, Georges Wague,
1909: [08.24] La redingote (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [08.00] La Légende des Phares (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Christiane Mandelys, ,
1909: [08.00] Le Collier de la Reine (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Henrie Duval, Christiane Mandelys,
1909: [07.26] La Possession de l'enfant (The Custody of the Child) (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Christiane Mandelys,
1909: [07.26] La Possession de l'enfant (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Christiane Mandelys,
1909: [07.00] Vainqueur de la Course Pédestre (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [07.00] La Mort de Mozart (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, Christiane Mandelys,
1909: [07.00] Le Savetier et le Financier (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Christiane Mandelys, ,
1909: [] Une femme pour deux maris (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Madame Bernard (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Le mensonge de soeur Agnès (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] La mort de sire de Framboisy (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] La contrebandière (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Henrie Duval,
1909: [] L' idée du pharmacien (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , Louis Feuillade,
1909: [] Vers le Pôle Sud (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Henrie Duval,
1909: [] Vanité (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Henrie Duval,
1909: [] Un premier amour (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] Tu ne tueras point (Thou Shalt Not Kill) (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Rayons et ombres (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] Probité mal récompensée (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Pauvre chiffonnier (Cast), with Louis Feuillade, ,
1909: [] Matelot (Cast), with Louis Feuillade, Renée Carl,
1909: [] Loin du bagne (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] Le voile des nymphes (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] Les vieux (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Le spadassin (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Henrie Duval,
1909: [] Les deux soeurs (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Les deux mères (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Henrie Duval,
1909: [] Les deux devoirs (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with ,
1909: [] Le rêve d'amour (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Le puits (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Le péché d'une mère (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Le paralytique (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Le Noël du vagabond (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Henrie Duval,
1909: [] Le miroir hypnotique (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Le mirage (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] Le fou (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] Le domino rouge (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Henrie Duval,
1909: [] Le docteur Carnaval (Cast), Directed by Emile Cohl, with ,
1909: [] Le crucifix (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] La tirelire solide (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with ,
1909: [] La princesse d'Ys (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with ,
1909: [] La lettre anonyme (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] La fiancée du pion (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with ,
1909: [] La croix de l'empereur (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] La bouée (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] La boîte de Pandore (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] La berceuse (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] Les bague (The ring) (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [] L' épave (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1909: [] Idylle corinthienne (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Christiane Mandelys, Jeanne Marie-Laurent, Henrie Duval,
1909: [] Beaucoup de bruit pour rien (Cast), Directed by Roméo Bosetti, with ,
1909: [] I Carbonari (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1909: [06.00] Le Printemps (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Henrie Duval, Christiane Mandelys,
1909: [06.00] La Mère du Moine (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Christiane Mandelys, Renée Carl,
1909: [06.00] Judith et Holopherne (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Christiane Mandelys, Léonce Perret, ,
1909: [04.19] Voleurs d'enfants (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Henrie Duval,
1909: [02.00] Les Heures (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , Renée Carl, Christiane Mandelys,
1908: [12.00] Le Récit du Colonel (The Colonel's Account) (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , Renée Carl,
1908: [11.00] Le Roman de Soeur Louise (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1908: [] La dévoyée (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1908: [] Le tabac de grand-père (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with ,
1908: [] Le secret du glacier (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with Renée Carl,
1908: [] Le miracle des roses (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, Emile Cohl, with ,
1908: [] Le Korrigan (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with Renée Carl,
1908: [] Le dévouement d'un interne (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with Renée Carl,
1908: [] Le devoir (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , Renée Carl,
1908: [] The traite (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl,
1908: [] L' orpheline (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, ,
1908: [] L' innocent (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with , Henrie Duval,
1908: [] L' incendiaire (The Arsonist) (Cast), Directed by Louis Feuillade, with Renée Carl, ,
1908: [] L' hôtel du silence (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, Emile Cohl, with Renée Carl,
1908: [] Incognito (Cast), Directed by Etienne Arnaud, with ,

133 Filme in dieser Kategorie

Filmography Maurice Vinot nach Kategorien


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